10 Weird Facts That Will shock You

  1. Dentistry has been practised by humans since 7000 BC, making dentists one of the oldest occupations.
  2. Australia produced the first feature film that was made in 1906.
  3. J.Fred Muggs was the name of the chimpanzee who co-hosted NBC’s Today Show from 1953 until 1957. He is thought to have contributed about $100 million to the network.
  4. The rose family includes raspberries, peaches, and apples.
  5. A geocache was placed in 2008 on the International Space Station. Other astronauts have since made four trips there.
  6. Macaroni and cheese is consumed more in Canada than anywhere else in the world.
  7. Snakes can help forecast when a earthquake is due to happen. Up to five days before an earthquake occurs, they can sense it coming from 75 miles away.
  8. When silent film actress Norma Talmadge stepped on wet cement by mistake, the practise of leaving hand and footprints in front of the Chinese Theater in Los Angeles was born.
  9. The size of an animal’s yawn depends on its brain size. They will yawn for longer if their brains are larger.
  10. Owning a single guinea pig is against the law in Switzerland. This is because guinea pigs are sociable creatures, and when they are left alone, they are classed as being abused.